2nd Announcement
Polish Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Polish Geographic Society – Cartographic Section
Polish Geographic Society - Section of Remote Sensing
Polish Society of Spatial Information
Association of Polish Surveyors
Association of Polish Cartographers
Faculty of Geo-Data Science, Geodesy and Environmental Engineering
invite you to
10th National Geoinformation Symposium
at the same time organized as:
1st Geoinformation Congress
„Contemporary Geoinformation Technologies in space modelling”
Kraków, 25th – 27th October 2023
Scope of the Congress
Growing in recent years popularity of geoinformation determines the need of the exchange of experience in recording and processing geodata in a bigger group of scientists. After several years of break, due to the initiative of Associations – organizers of the event - the idea of common cyclic meetings extended by the topics related to spatial information systems.
10th National Geoinformatic Symposium with extended scope will be organized as:
1st Geoinformation Congress
This event will allow full integration of scientists connected with geoinformation in
The Geoinformation Congress will be a scientific event, which will facilitate the presentation of the newest Polish and foreign scientific achievements and experience connected with the implementation of modern geoinformation methods into practice.
The aim of the Congress is discussion and the exchange of experience on the participation of modern geoinformation technologies in processing of cartographic data, photogrammetric data, remote sensing data and spatial information systems. The congress covers the following topics: consistent modelling of situation and height information, geoinformation standards, integration of research in photogrammetry, remote sensing, cartography, methods and algorithms of automatic 3D modelling, as well as analyses and visualization of 3D data and applications of geoinformation technologies in other fields.
Proposed details of the Congress scope:
• Geoinformation in administration
• Systems of Spatial Information
• Trends of the development in photogrammetry, cartography and remote sensing
• Methods and algorithms of processing geoinformatic data
• Processing data of airborne and terrestrial laser scanning
• Application of UAV platforms in obtaining geoinformation
• Remote measurement methods in engineering
• Integration, modelling, 3D reconstructions and visualization of geodata
• Application of satellite images of intense resolution
• Satellite radar interferometry – InSAR
• Monitoring of agriculture and ecosystems
• Education in geoinformation
In the framework of the congress presentations of the invited foreign guests will be held.
Theme Sessions and Poster Sessions
In the framework of the 1st Geoinformation Congress the organizers plan to carry out theme sessions connected with the topics of the Congress. Among others session “Geoinformatics in Administration” is planned. It will be dealing with current problems and co-operation within the triangle: Administration - Business - Science. Poster sessions are also planned. The programme and names of sessions will be given in 3rd announcement, after receiving the feedback from the participants. A contest (with prizes) for young scientists (up to 35 years old) is also planned. The rules of the contest will be announced on the website of the Congress.
Exhibitions and Workshops
During the Congress there will be presentations of geoinformation-related companies. Exhibitions of the equipment and software will be available for the whole duration of the Congress.
Workshops in (inter alia) photogrammetry, low-ceiling remote sensing and software for processing geoinformation data are also planned.
All the interested companies are invited to participate and offer their solutions both at exhibitions as well as workshops.
The scientific materials posted to the Congress can be published in specialist journals of the relevant societies, such as:
- Archiwum Fotogrametrii, Kartografii i Teledetekcji - https://ptfit.sgp.geodezja.org.pl/archiwum-fotogrametrii-kartografii-i-teledetekcji/
- Geomatics and Environmental Engineering - https://www.gaee.agh.edu.pl/index.php/gaee/index
- Geoinformatica Polonica - https://www.ejournals.eu/GP/
- Polish Cartographical Review - https://sciendo.com/journal/pcr
- Reports on Geodesy and Geoinformatics - https://www.rgg.edu.pl/index.php/RGG
- Roczniki Geomatyki - http://rg.ptip.org.pl/
- Teledetekcja Środowiska - http://geoinformatics.uw.edu.pl/teledetekcja-srodowiska/
Updated information will be put on the website of the Congress: www.kongres-geo.pl
Joanna Bac-Bronowicz, Ph.D.
Professor Aleksandra Bujakiewicz, Ph.D. Sc.,
Professor Tadeusz Chrobak, Ph.D.
Association of Polish Cartographers
Professor Konrad Eckes, Ph.D.
Polish Society of Spatial Information,
Professor Beata Hejmanowska, Ph.D.
Professor Ewa Krzywicka-Blum, Ph.D. Sc.,
Professor Zdzisław Kurczyński, Ph.D.
Professor Jan R. Olędzki, Ph.D. Sc. Honorary Chairman of the Polish Geographic Society - Section of Remote Sensing
Professor Krystian Pyka, Ph.D.
Professor Zbigniew Zwoliński, Ph.D.
Krzysztof Będkowski, Ph.D. Sc., Professor of UŁ Polish Geographic Society - Section of Remote Sensing,
Dariusz Gotlib, Ph.D. Sc., Eng.Professor of PW Polish Society of Spatial Information,
Association of Polish Cartographers,
Grzegorz Jóźków, Ph.D.
Jolanta Korycka-Skorupa, Ph.D. Polish Geographic Society – Cartographic Section,
Marek Mróz, Ph.D.
Robert Olszewski, Ph.D.
Katarzyna Osińska-Skotak, Ph.D.
Professor Piotr Sawicki, Ph.D.
Dorota Zawieska, Ph.D.
Agnieszka Zwirowicz-Rutkowska, Ph.D. Sc.,
Steering Committee
Joanna Bac-Bronowicz, Ph.D.
Krzysztof Bakuła, Ph.D.,
Marek Baranowski, Ph.D. Sc., Professor of IGiK Polish Geographic Society – Cartographic Section
Professor Jacek Kozak, Ph.D. Sc. Polish
Mieczysław Kunz, Ph.D. Sc., Professor of UMK Polish Geographic Society - Section of Remote Sensing
Organizing Committee
Sławomir Mikrut, Ph.D.
Polish Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Polish Geographic Society - Section of Remote Sensing
Ewa Głowienka, Ph.D.,
Kazimierz Bujakowski, Ph.D.,
Wojciech Drzewiecki, Ph.D.,
Dariusz Dukaczewski, Ph.D. Sc., Professor of IGiK Polish Geographic Society - Cartographic Section
Aleksandra Jasińska,
Tomasz Kogut, Ph.D.,
Barbara Kosińska,
Krystian Kozioł, Ph.D.
Andrzej Kwinta, Ph.D.
Beata Szafrańska, Ph.D.,
Mariusz Twardowski, Ph.D.,
Aleksandra Wagner, Ph. D.
Piotr Wężyk, Ph.D.
15th June 2023 (change from 31st May 2023) declaration of participation in the Congress and sending the title and extended summary of the presentation
(ca. 2000 signs) that will be published in conference materials and journals from the list of the Congress
30th June 2023 payment of the reduced fee
30th September 2023 deadline for sending presentations and posters and sending full texts of the publications to subsequent journals
Registration and sending summaries, presentations, posters and papers can be done through the website of the Congress
The Place of the Congress
Qubus Hotel Kraków, address: ul. Nadwiślańska 6, 30-527 Kraków
Fee for the participation in the Symposium: - by 30th June 2023 – PLN 950 + VAT
- after 30th June 2023 – PLN 1150 + VAT
- Ph.D. students, graduate and undergraduate students and retired academic staff not working – PLN 500 + VAT
with the possibility of examption from VAT
The fee includes:
- participation in Symposium in 25 –27th October 2023
- conference materials
- formal dinner on 25th October (Wednesday)
The fee does not include theatre tickets and selected excursions proposed by the organizers on the Congress website.
The fee does not include accommodation. There is a possibility to book a room in Qubus hotel for PLN 400 (single) and/or PLN 500 (double) – while booking, please give the password: “IKG 2023 AGH”.
There will be a possibility to participate in planned for the second day visit to the Bagatela theatre (the approximate estimated cost is PLN 150, but final cost will depend on the number of participants). On the Congress website the proposals of the hotels in various standards are given with the preliminary block of booking for the participants of Symposium.
The fee should be paid for the following account ZG SGP:
mBank account: 14 1140 0026 0000 3522 2900 1015 with the note: I KG 2023 - Your Name
Contact with the Organizing Committee
Department of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing of Environment and Spatial Engineering. Faculty of Geo-Data Science, Geodesy and Environmental Engineering
All. Mickiewicza 30, paw. C4
30-059 Kraków
tel.: +48 12 617 39 93, +48 617 38 26
e-mail: sekretariat@kongres-geo.pl
tel.: +48 12 617 39 93, +48 617 38 26
website: www.kongres-geo.pl
Sławomir Mikrut, Ph.D. Sc., Eng., Professor of AGH - Chairperson of the Organizing Committee
e-mail: smikrut@agh.edu.pl
Urszula Marmol, Ph.D. Sc., Professor of AGH - Vice-Chairperson of the Organizing Committee
e-mail: entice@agh.edu.pl
Ewa Głowienka, Ph.D., Eng - Secretary
e-mail: eglo@agh.edu.pl